19 July 2020

Ease Gill Caverns - Description updated

Ease Gill Caverns descriptions updated

A few years ago, the CNCC started hosting cave descriptions on our website. These are intended to provide freely available online route descriptions for some of our areas most popular trips, to accompany the access information and online rigging topos.

One of the most popular descriptions is Ease Gill Caverns, with over 2000 downloads since it was first published! This isn’t surprising given that the guide covers Lancaster Hole, Cow Pot, County Pot, Wretched Rabbit and Pool Sink, and a myriad of routes between them.

We have now re-published the Ease Gill Caverns guide. As well as some corrections and improvements to the existing routes, we have added several new routes:

  • The popular 'Spiral Staircase' route from Wretched Rabbit
  • Boundary Pot to Stop Pot
  • Top Sink to Stop Pot
  • Rewrite of the County Pot (Mancunian Way) round trip

Boundary Pot is one of the less-well visited entrances, which is a shame because it is excellent. Settled weather essential, but this tackle-free route takes you on a varied adventure which joins the main system at Nagasaki, about half way between Top Sink and Stop Pot. So, if you’re feeling Pouty with County or Dejected with Wretched, then why not spice up your route into Ease Gill by heading Downwardly at Boundary (sorry). Alternatively, the County Pot/ Mancunian Way round trip is a fabulous and varied circular route through some of the less well visited parts of the system.

All cave descriptions can be downloaded here or from the page for each entrance.

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.