22 February 2021

Rockfall in Notts Pot

The CNCC has received a report of a rockfall in the rift between Centre and Adamson's routes in Notts Pot. To quote the reporter:

"The rock fall is in the rift at the same level as Centre route start, if you go past Centre route staying at floor level in that rift you come to a corner to the right this is immediately before you climb up into the small aven where the stemple climb starts, the rock fall is in-between Centre route and this right hand corner but in the rift not the aven where the stemple climb to Adamsons route".

Those descending Centre and Adamson's are advised to pay particular attention as trips start to resume post-lockdown.

Photo: The start of Adamson's Route in Notts Pot, photo by Gary Douthwaite

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