19 April 2021

Great Douk Collapse

Shakehole collapse into Greak Douk Cave

We have received news that a newly opened shakehole has broken into the main stream passage of Great Douk Cave near Chapel-le-Dale (see photos, above and from below). The near vertical wall of the shakehole suggests more rocks and soil will follow, particularly if the weather deteriorates.

The collapse is about 75m upstream of where Little Douk Pot drops into the Great Douk streamway.

The streamway is still passable, but clearly under the collapse is not a place to loiter. We know this is a well-loved and frequently visited site, so great care is needed particularly in larger or less experienced groups, to ensure everyone makes quick progress past the new skylight!

We will be discussing options for remedial work with the landowner after lambing season.

Photos by Andrew Hinde

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