26 May 2021

Photography and geology workshops

Interested in cave photography or geology?

A few weeks ago we announced a catalogue of workshops for 2021, mostly focussed on aspects of SRT (refereshers, beginners, rigging, rescue).

We also included a geology tour hosted by Dr. John Helm, which proved especially popular and all eight places were very quickly taken. We are pleased to announce another date with eight more spaces on 18th September.

This is a great chance to learn more about the geology of the Yorkshire Dales, from above and below ground.

Additionally, we are delighted to announce a two day cave phorograhy workshop on 14-15th August, hosted by award winning cave photographer, Mark Burkey.

This is an excellent weekend-long event to learn about various aspects of cave photography, aimed particularly at those using point and shoot but looking to progress to digital SLR, or those already using digital SLR but looking to improve their skills and try out new kit and strategies. Ideally bring your own current setup (preferably your own digital SLR and lighting) however, some spare equipment will be available to try out. Eight spaces are available.

Visit www.cncc.org.uk/training for more details and signup.


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