27 May 2021

Newsletter 11 out now

We are pleased to announce the release of our May 2021 newsletter!

Download it HERE.

We’ve had a much longer wait than usual since the last issue (September 2019). One of the benefits of the newsletter is that we circulate paper copies to club huts and cafes, but with these being mostly closed for the last year, we have focussed on just online media instead.

With things on their way back to normal and opening again, the newsletter is back!

We know some of the articles in this issue are a little old (some of them pre-pandemic) as we are playing catch-up, and those of you who follow us online will recognise some of the stories. However, we think that seeing everything compiled into one publication is a great way to show the diversity of our work over the last 18 months, and maybe inspire a few people to get involved.

As you will see from the content, Covid certainly hasn’t put everything on hold!

Printed copies will be circulated to the usual venues.

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.