30 April 2014

Additional committee meeting

An additional committee meeting has been scheduled in response to a request from three committee clubs in advance of the BCA AGM. The primary aim of this is to discuss the CNCCs response to the recent discussions regarding the Countryside Rights of Way (CRoW) Act. The date for this additional committee meeting is: 31st May 2014, at Hellifield Village Institute, 9:30am. You can download a complete document providing the agenda, and plenty of relevant information at the link below. This is a matter of considerable interest and importance to northern caving, so it is really important that all CNCC committee clubs are able to participate. Please note that this meeting is additional to, and does not impact on the next planned committee meeting on 28th June (Hellifield Village Institute, 9:30am), for which a separate agenda will be circulated.
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