3 November 2015

Caving in Nidderdale 26th November 2015

Notification received from Yorkshire Water: SCOUR TEST NOTIFICATION TO DOWNSTREAM ABSTRACTORS We are contacting you as part of our commitment to keep downstream abstractors and interested parties informed about our planned reservoir scour tests. If you would prefer not to be contacted in future, or if this email is addressed to the wrong person, please let us know at coordinatorrwm@yorkshirewater.co.uk. Scour tests will be happening soon at the following site/s: NAME OF RESERVOIR: SCAR HOUSE IRE DATE OF SCOUR TEST: 26/11/2015 NGR OF DISCHARGE POINT: SE 068 767 NAME OF WATERCOURSE: RIVER NIDD Scour tests are routinely carried out on reservoirs to ensure that they can be lowered in an emergency. The test entails fully opening the outlet valve and the release of water at full flow into the stream for a period of approximately half an hour. This is likely to cause increased turbulence and deterioration of water quality immediately downstream for the duration of the test and for a short while afterwards.
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