9 July 2014

Free CNCC First Aid for Cavers Courses

The CNCC has planned and funded two First Aid for Cavers courses. These courses are practical sessions covering the types of injuries cavers can sustain and how to deal with those injuries and situations. Also covered will be hypothermia and survival techniques. The courses are being provided by nationally accredited first aid trainers and assessors who are also cavers. The courses are FREE to all BCA members or club members of BCA member clubs (CIMS and DIMS). The courses are being held on 18 October 2014 and 01 November 2014 at the Hellifield Village Hall, Hellifield, North Yorkshire. The courses start at 09:30 prompt, a packed lunch is required. To book a place please send an email to Les Sykes (training officer): training@cncc.org.uk Please state which day you wish to attend and your full name. If demand for these courses is high then the CNCC will arrange more courses to meet the demand. Below is the flyer with all the details. Feel free to pass it around your club members.
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