13 March 2017

AGM 2017 Results

A big thank you to everyone who came along to the AGM at the weekend. It was great to see so many clubs getting involved including several students. Lots of good, positive discussions were had including a decision on our stance regarding the BCA's constitution changes and some great suggestions on ways forward with the next generation of anchors (more to follow on this soon).

The AGM was attended by approximately 30 people including 18 voting club representatives. All 14 committee club positions were filled as follows:

  • Burnley Caving Club
  • Craven Pothole Club
  • Bradford Pothole Club
  • Northern Pennine Club
  • University of Leeds Speleological Association
  • Northern Boggarts
  • York University Cave and Pothole Club
  • Red Rose Cave and Pothole Club
  • Yorkshire Subterranean Society
  • Kendal Caving Club (NEW Committee member)
  • Earby Pothole Club
  • Rubber Duck Caving Club  (NEW Committee member)
  • Grampian Speleological Group (NEW Committee member)
  • White Rose Pothole Club

Officers were also elected for the coming year with all positions now filled. Andrew Hinde, who has previously been our Access Officer, has taken over from Roy as Chairman and we welcome a new face; Maz Holloway, as the new Training Officer. Tim Allen is now officially Access Officer - a role he has been helping with for a few months already.

  • Chairman: Andrew Hinde
  • Secretary: Matt Ewles
  • Treasurer: Pete Bann
  • Access: Tim Allen
  • Conservation: Kay Easton
  • Training: Maz Holloway

The minutes will be available online once they have been written and provisionally reviewed by the membership (hopefully around end of April).

A special thank you is deserved for the retiring officers; Roy Holmes (Chairman) and Johnny Latimer (Access Officer) for their hard work over the years. They can take a well-earned rest from CNCC duties now!

Roy Holmes (Chairman 2008 - 2017)

Roy has been an outstanding Chairman, who has confidently and professionally presided over meetings for nine years. He has kept our meetings focused and on-topic, ensured fairness and impartiality, while also allowing flexibility and sustaining good humour, even during some quite heated discussions. Undoubtedly, he can take a lot of credit for the amount that has been achieved in the fleeting few hours we spend in Hellifield every three months.

Johnny Latimer (Access Officer 2015 - 2017)

Johnny threw his name into the hat for the position of Access Officer just under three years ago, before it was even an elected position. The CNCC at the time needed new people to come forward. Johnny led by example in doing so, and has steered the CNCC in the direction of modernisation and a positive attitude towards the benefits more open access can bring. He has contributed substantially to the improved access we now enjoy on Ingleborough Estate and elsewhere. Although family and work commitments have tempered how much he has been able to do in the run up to this AGM, he has offset this by requesting Tim’s involvement in a more official capacity, which of course has led to Tim now taking the Access Officer role in full.

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.