25 October 2023

Bull Pot sheep removal

Sheep removal from Bull Pot, Kingsdale

Bull Pot in Kingsdale is one of the more popular potholes in our region, offering a great introduction to more technical SRT including traverses, rebelays and deviations, and with a lot of action happening in quick succession. 

Being on the open fell on the west side of Kingsdale, Bull Pot sometimes attracts unwanted fleecy visitors. 

When the outcome for our ovine potholers is not good, we rely on either biology and time, or the kind actions of volunteers to deal with the issue. 

With Bull Pot being such a popular pothole throughout winter, a quick solution was preferred, so regular CNCC volunteers Anthony Brown, Pete Monk, and Simon Johnson, kindly gave up their day on 4th October to address the problem. The unfortunate visitor was efficiently removed, and some nice shots and a video taken of the work in progress (don't worry, nothing squeamish, the sheep is bagged and out of sight).

The photos can be seen by scrolling right above (in chronological order), and the video is on YouTube.

This kind of task is unpleasant and often thankless, so we would like to rectify this by saying a big thanks to the team involved. Great work and no doubt sparing several groups considerable unpleasantness over the coming months.

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