22 December 2018

Caves of Scotland descriptions

Caves of Scotland are now on the CNCC website with route descriptions

Most people think of the CNCC as just representing northern England. However, we are also the BCA's Regional Caving Council for Scotland too.

We're pleased to announce that many of the more significant caves across the various Scottish regions are now catalogued on the CNCC database, but not only that, route descriptions for each of these are now available on our website.

Click here for our catalogue of cave descriptions (including the Caves of Scotland).

This splendid document was compiled thanks to descriptions submitted by Alan Jeffreys and is bespokely written for the CNCC. We are extremely proud to be able to provide this.

Click here for a list of all Scottish caves we have added to our database.

So how about putting a week in Scotland on your calendar? You won't be disappointed. The Grampian Speleological Group hut in Elphin provides and excellent base for the largest of these caves and the nearby mountaineering, cycling, kayaking, canoeing and wild swimming opportunities are fantastic.

The document will be continously evolving as more descriptions are submitted (we are aware there are a few obvious omissions) so check back now and again. Enjoy!

Photo; Looking down the watershoots in Uamh an Claonaite; an excellent place! This is much closer to being vertical than the photo suggests (by Gary Douthwaite).

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