7 November 2017

FOUL Pot description now online

A route description for FOUL Pot on Fountains Fell has been added to the CNCC website:


This is an excellent and relatively recent addition to the collection of deep potholes on Fountains Fell, an area with an ominous reputation for harder caves. The mention of neighbouring Hammer, Strangle and Echo Pots might cause many cavers to shudder. However, FOUL isn’t as demanding; a few short sections of narrow rift to be negotiated, but sandwiched by generous amounts of bigger passage, good formations, and clean and airy longer pitches.

To make things even better, the IC anchor team have recently cleaned the cave and installed resin anchors throughout (see Descent 253) to enable a safer and more enjoyable descent.

Access and other details about FOUL Pot can be found here:


Maybe this could help provide some inspiration for your 2018 meets lists?

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