8 November 2017

Ingleborough Nature Trail toll increase

The Ingleborough Nature Trail footpath at Clapham is a popular route for cavers heading up to Ingleborough Cave and the caves of Gaping Gill, as it provides the shallowest gradient and most sheltered approach (particularly welcome for the walk up on hot summer days or the walk back down on harsh winter nights). Use of this path has incurred a toll from a ticket machine for some time to help with the maintainance. Please be aware however that the toll has recently increased from 65p to £1 per person. As well as a ticket machine, there is now a manned toll booth.

Any cavers wishing to approach Gaping Gill via the Nature Trail route please remember to carry £1/person.

If you find yourself with insufficient change, an alternative public footpath route can be taken up Clapdale Lane (commencing only 40m further along the road from the start of the Nature Trail). This route gradually ascends to Clapdale where you go through the farmyard and then turn right downhill to rejoin the riverside path after the toll section (signposted to Ingleborough Cave). This route is identical distance to the Nature Trail route to this point (1.8km) but involves an additional ascent and is rather more exposed to the elements. See map below.

Please do not be tempted to cut straight on across the fell after Clapdale Farmyard (i.e. to bypass Trow Gill) as the start of this route is not on access land and cavers taking this route has caused some tensions in the past.

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