19 January 2023

Host clubs wanted for new-to-caving events

Want to help inspire others to get involved in caving?

On 12th February, we have partnered with the Craven Pothole Club to run a ‘New to Caving’ workshop. This allows absolute novices seeking a route into caving to come along and enjoy a day underground and learn about caving. Nearly all spaces on this are now taken, so we are seeking more clubs to come forward to host these events.

We now have a ‘New to Caving’ section on our website where absolute novices can be directed for signup to these sessions as well as links to other useful resources (including the BCA’s national New to Caving website).

We would love to know if your club/group would like to host an event for the coming year. 

The CNCC will advertise your session, pitching at those considering caving as a hobby, rather than those wanting a one-off experience-day. We can use our online system to manage signups and collect any payment. The current session is free-of-charge, however, if the host would like to use the session to raise funds for good caving causes or to cover reasonable organising costs, we can collect this as part of signup.

Close to the event, we will hand over so the host can get in touch with attendees and communicate the logistics.

This does mean the host club/group needs to supply basic caving kit to those attending. We appreciate this could be a limiting factor for many. However, if this is all that is preventing you from volunteering, please let us know.

Your club will naturally be the club of choice for anyone who enjoys the session and who wants to continue caving.

The CNCC will support these sessions with some slides to educate participants on conservation and safety. Hosting clubs can use or ignore these are you wish. As continued support after the event, we will run our two-day New-to-SRT workshop at regular intervals. You can direct anyone interested in continuing caving to sign up to the next available session, thus removing the challenges of getting new cavers trained up on SRT skills.

To host a session, please get in touch with training@cncc.org.uk to discuss.

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.