26 January 2017

Notice of AGM 11th March 2017

CNCC Annual General Meeting 11th March 2017, Hellifield Village Institute, 10am

The agenda for this meeting has been made available on our website meetings page today, along with a supporting document on the BCA constitutional amendments that are also up for discussion. I'm really pleased to say that we have three of the six Officer roles with new applicants, and three new applicant to join the Committee, so it should be a really positive meeting. All full member clubs, please come along and get involved.


All voting representatives of full member clubs must bring a letter of authentication. This should identify the bearer as the accepted voting representative of the club and should be signed by a club officer. This letter may be provided electronically to the Secretary in advance. Please note the time of the meeting; we will start promptly at 10am.

Hope to see lots of you in March.

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