13 May 2024

Rockfall at Alum Pot

There has been a small rockfall from just above the traverse path that leads to the top of The Bridge in Alum Pot.

The area affected is between the 1st and 2nd anchor of the traverse.

This rockfall has impacted and compromised the solidity of the path along the edge of the shaft, leaving it in a crumbled state in parts.

Users of the traverse path need to exercise extreme caution, both for any further rockfall, and also for the high likelihood of knocking stones down the open pot onto the route below. Keeping on the inside of the traverse line, whilst a bit more inconvenient, would help mitigate any potential problems. 

Anyone venturing deeper into Alum Pot needs to exercise caution regarding the potential of rocks from above.

See photos of the damage to the traverse with evidence of further loose walls. You can also find a few videos HERE showing both the damage and remaining fractured rock.

Note, that this follows a previous fall reported in February 2023, when a helmet-sized rock was dislodged from the wall of the North West route.

This is a timely opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of keeping well away from the bottom of pitches while cavers are manoeuvring above. If necessary, avoid any rope free calls to someone waiting to ascend or descend behind you until you have moved away from the danger area. This is particularly important for surface-exposed shafts where freeze-thaw weathering over winter may have loosened rockfaces.

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.