22 July 2018

Sunset Hole description available

Photo: Entrance to Sunset Hole, courtesy of John Radburn (Lincoln Scouts Caving Club)

To rectify a surprise omission from our list of cave descriptions, the CNCC website now includes a description for Sunset Hole in Chapel-le-Dale.

Many thanks indeed to the individual who submitted this (and then went for a return trip to cross-check some details on our behalf). Sunset Hole is a simple and splendid stream pothole with some fine short pitches (or climbs, depending on water levels and the capability of the group), a final excellent pitch, and for those seeing a little more adventure off the usual tourist routes, an excursion into the Upper Series and the 1968 Extensions.

More details and the description and topo for this open-access pothole can be found by clicking here

If you spot any issues with any cave descriptions (or are interested in helping us to write one) then please get in touch with the Secretary.

Copyright 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.