9 July 2024

Training for autumn-winter 2024-2025

Training workshops for autumn/winter

We have just published our training workshop offerings for autumn to winter 2024-2025. 

These include various SRT training opportunities for all skill levels, indoors and underground, including rescue and rigging. Included in this are three of our 2:1 intensive sessions (one trainer, two trainees) to allow a much more personal and focused opportunity to develop your skills.

  • 17 Aug: SRT rigging 2:1 intensive (underground)
  • 14 Sep: Underground SRT refresher (easier cave)
  • 21-22 Sep: New-to-SRT/refresher (one day indoors, one day underground)
  • 13 Oct: Underground SRT refresher (more challenging cave)
  • 19 Oct: New-to-SRT/refresher (indoors)
  • 19-20 Oct: New-to-SRT/refresher (one day indoors, one day underground)
  • 20 Oct: Underground SRT refresher (easier cave)
  • 10 Nov: SRT rescue 2:1 intensive (underground)
  • 10 Nov: SRT rescue introductory (indoors)
  • 30 Nov: SRT rigging 2:1 intensive (underground)
  • 1 Dec: Underground SRT refresher (easier cave)
  • 7 Dec: New to rigging/rigging refresher (indoors)
  • 8 Dec: SRT rescue intermediate (indoors)
  • 18 Jan: Underground SRT refresher (more challenging cave)
  • 19 Jan: SRT rescue advanced (indoors)
  • 25-26 Jan: New-to-SRT/refresher (one day indoors, one day underground)
  • 8-9 Feb: SRT intermediate refresher (one day indoors, one day underground) 
  • 22 Feb: New to rigging/rigging refresher (indoors)
  • 23 Feb: SRT rescue introductory (indoors)

More details for each workshop and signup can be found HERE.

Copyright 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.