4 December 2018

Training Officer needed

Our Training Officer will be standing down at the March 2019 Annual General Meeting. Many thanks to Maz for kick-starting training under the CNCC name after several years in abeyance, with training courses covering SRT, first aid and paperless surveying.

The CNCC is therefore seeking an enthusiastic individual to join the team as Training Officer in March.

The job description can be found below:

The Training Officer should work to identify where the CNCC can help meet any training needs of member clubs and northern cavers. This may include first aid, rigging, SRT, rescue, surveying, conservation, risk assessment, amongst others.

The Training Officer should proactively arrange training (subject to Treasurer approval for any necessary costs), advertise training opportunities and coordinate attendance.

Note that the Training Officer role does not mean the individual in the post should give the training themselves; their role may be purely administrative.

The Training Officer should represent the CNCC to the British Caving Association Training Committee if possible. They should also work to develop relations with the instructed caving community.


Training is an area where there is huge potential for the CNCC to benefit northern cavers and our member clubs, and so it would be great to hear from anyone interested. New ideas are extremely welcome and there is ample opportunity to stamp your own mark on the role. You will need to be able to set aside a few hours a week to deal with emails and organising/coordinating training events, and ideally a few Saturdays each year to attend CNCC meetings. You will have the full support of the CNCC Officers team.

If anyone would like to discuss this please contact the CNCC Secretary as soon as possible (secretary@cncc.org.uk) either to put your name forward or for an informal discussion.





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