18 March 2025

Updated Caves of Scotland

Caves of Scotland updated

Back in 2018, we published our Caves of Scotland guide, covering many of the significant caves north-of-the-border. These descriptions were written by Alan Jeffreys of the Grampian Speleo Group (GSG, who have an excellent club hut in Elphin, just north of Ullapool), but they were edited and compiled into a single guide by the CNCC team.

This consistantly ranks as one of our top five descriptions - 827 downloads in the last 12 months!

We've been aware for some time that a major omission was the excellent caves of Applecross. This is something that this updated version rectifies, along with additional pictures and corrections throughout the rest of the document.

All of the caves within the guide are listed on our website and can be seen on our cave map.

We'd like to thank Alan Jeffreys for his excellent work to provide these descriptions. Alan, and the GSG, regularly fly the flag for Scottish caving within CNCC and we are always keen to support caving north-of-the-border.

You can find our Caves of Scotland guide in our catalogue of descriptions.

Photos: (1) Looking out from the Bone Caves, small alcoves above the Allt nan Uamh valley (2) The watershoot in Uamh an Claonaite, one of the longest and most sporting trips in the guide (photos by Gary Douthwaite).

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.