Crescent Pot

(East Kingsdale)

Last updated: 10 Mar 2024

Hazards and Warnings

No hazards have been reported for Crescent Pot

Noticed a hazard in this cave? Click here to report it here.


Any cavers visiting East Kingsdale pots via Braida Garth Farm (e.g. Vesper, Growling, Spectacle, King, Broken Finger), please make a courtesy call at the farmhouse. The owners are caver-friendly, but prefer to know if people will be coming through the farm later, particularly if this could be after dark. In March 2024, cavers returning through the farm at night were mistaken for intruders, following a significant increase in farmyard thefts in the area. There is usually somebody at the house or working in the nearby buildings, however, if nobody can be found to speak to in-person before your trip, you may wish to make other arrangements or ensure you do not come back down through the farm after-dark, to avoid disturbance. 

Do not park opposite or too close to the entrance to the farm track (remember, large vehicles need to turn in here) and ensure all gates are properly secured after passing through them. 

For trips where you know you will be approaching or returning at antisocial hours, consider an alternative approach that avoids the farm. For Vesper, King, Growling, Spectacle and Broken Finger Pots, we have suggested an approach from Yordas via Brown Hill. However, with Crescent Pot being further south, a closer approach from the Kingsdale Road via the Twistleton Scar track could be considered via George's Scar.

This cave is on access land. Click here for more information.

Rigging Topos and Descriptions

We don't have a topo or description for Crescent Pot.

Fixed Aids

Report a defective anchor

More information about CNCC resin anchors


SD 705766

54.1843194695834, -2.45352603584328


Please note that locations are correct to the best of our knowledge however are often taken from old books so they may not be absolutely accurate and are shown simply as a guide.

Entrance Photos

Crescent PotCrescent Pot
© 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.