Fairy Holes


Last updated: 28 Nov 2022

Hazards and Warnings

Noticed a hazard in this cave? Click here to report it here.


Permits for Fairy Holes can be issued to any BCA-registered club, or to named Club or Direct Individual BCA member (CIMs/DIMs). The cave lies in a privately-owned quarry and access is subject to the following conditions: (1) Permits only on the first Saturday of every month. (2) Maximum eight people. (3) The visit must take place between 8am and 10pm (4) Keys to the entrance locks will be posted to permit holders before your trip. You will be required to either post the keys onto the next permit holder immediately after your trip or to return them to the Permit Secretary, as requested. (5) Details about gaining access to the main gate and where best to park, and a navigation guide for the cave will be supplied with the permit. This overland route indicated and any restrictions on vehicle access must be followed. (6) The Keeper must be telephoned (details supplied with permit) at a reasonable hour at least 48 hours ahead of your visit to alert him to your intended presence. (7) The cave is an SSSI and the Natural England conservation statements supplied with the permit must be read and understood by all visiting cavers.

This cave is NOT on access land. Click here for more information.

Getting a Permit

Permits are issued by Dinny Davies. Here's how you can get a permit...

By Email


To request a permit via email, it should come from your club website associated email address.

By Post

Permits are not available by post for Fairy Holes.

Rigging Topos and Descriptions

We don't have a topo or description for Fairy Holes.

Fixed Aids

Report a defective anchor

More information about CNCC resin anchors


There is no location information for Fairy Holes.

Entrance Photos

Fairy HolesFairy HolesFairy HolesFairy Holes
Copyright 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.