Keld Head

(West Kingsdale)

Last updated: 15 Jan 2023

Hazards and Warnings

No hazards have been reported for Keld Head

Noticed a hazard in this cave? Click here to report it here.


There have been major access difficulties in recent years. It is essential that anyone wishing to visit this site seeks permission from the farmer at Braida Garth farm, further up the valley. Note that this may be refused on any particular day. It would also be wise to seek advice from local CDG members, ahead of any intended visit, to avoid inadvertently making the fragile access situation any worse. Intending visitors should have CDG membership cards available to show if requested and the farmer prefers it if visitors are accompanied by a local CDG member who is known to him.

This cave is NOT on access land. Click here for more information.

Rigging Topos and Descriptions

We don't have a topo or description for Keld Head.

Fixed Aids

Report a defective anchor

More information about CNCC resin anchors


SD 696766

54.1842667322194, -2.46731623875174


Please note that locations are correct to the best of our knowledge however are often taken from old books so they may not be absolutely accurate and are shown simply as a guide.

Entrance Photos

Keld HeadKeld HeadKeld Head
© 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.