Kirk Gill Pot

(Upper Wharfedale)

Last updated: 20 Aug 2024

Hazards and Warnings

No hazards have been reported for Kirk Gill Pot

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Kirk Gill Pot and Cave are on access land. Currently however the CNCC is aware that the access land from the entrance down to near the pub in Hubberholme is subject to a restriction, due to last to November 2027, for land management purposes. This means CRoW freedoms of access are temporarily suspended during this time meaning access defaults to requiring landowner permission. In summer 2024 our Access Officer confirmed with the owners at Langstroth House that they are happy to allow access across their land to the cave (commenting that most people don't ask, but we advise a courtesy call for politeness). Langstroth House is the next building immediately east of The George pub, same side of the road, just above a garden with a small graveyard. Once permission has been gained, access is best achieved through the gate at the farm and then through the sheep pens onto the usually open access land, where the stream can be followed up for a few hundred metres to the outcrops by the wall. The pot is covered by wood which should be replaced. Be aware that The George pub does NOT allow access via their car park.

This cave is on access land. Click here for more information.

Rigging Topos and Descriptions

We don't have a topo or description for Kirk Gill Pot.

Fixed Aids

Report a defective anchor

More information about CNCC resin anchors


SD 9245 7783

54.196353, -2.117185


Please note that locations are correct to the best of our knowledge however are often taken from old books so they may not be absolutely accurate and are shown simply as a guide.

Entrance Photos

No photos have been added for this cave yet. If you have some, please use the link below to send them. Include your name and you will be credited.

© 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.