(Alum Pot)
Hazards and Warnings
Warning 10 months ago
We have received a report (29th March 2024) that there has been a lot of boulder movement on the climb up from the riverbed at the Dr Bannisters entrance to Upper Long Churn. Boulders are currently loose. We are not totally clear exactly where this is, but it sounds like the boulders leading down from the surface and into the entrance. We recommend avoiding this entrance to Upper Long Churn for the immediate few weeks while things settle, and after this initial settling period, paying close attention to the situation (particularly after any flooding) and taking extreme care scrambing up/down between the surface and the entrance, and when passing underneath the boulders just inside the entrance. Please report any observations so we can update our warning.
Long Churn can become very dangerous very quickly during heavy rain.
Noticed a hazard in this cave? Click here to report it here.
Call at house
A courtesy call at the farm / house of the land owner is required.
The caves of Alum Pot area (including Alum Pot, Long Churn, Diccan Pot, Borrins Moor Cave and others nearby) are either on, or often approached via private land and a small fee (one pound per person) is payable at Selside Farm. There is a collection box positioned by the front door; please put your correct fee into the box. You do not need to disturb the residents. Park responsibly on the green lane on the north side of Selside leading to the caves.
This cave is NOT on access land. Click here for more information.
Rigging Topos and Descriptions
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Fixed Aids
More information about CNCC resin anchors
54.1765784169476, -2.34926385949065
Please note that locations are correct to the best of our knowledge however are often taken from old books so they may not be absolutely accurate and are shown simply as a guide.
Entrance Photos