Thackthwaite Beck Caves


Last updated: 11 Aug 2019

Hazards and Warnings

No hazards have been reported for Thackthwaite Beck Caves

Noticed a hazard in this cave? Click here to report it here.


Thackthwaite Beck Cave is on land owned by Bolton Estate and which is considered Access Land under the Countryside Rights of Way Act. The current understanding of the CNCC is that the Estate do not expect visitors to obtain prior permission, however, parking at Woodhall is recommended and there is no vehicular access allowed onto the fells.

This cave is on access land. Click here for more information.

Rigging Topos and Descriptions

We don't have a topo or description for Thackthwaite Beck Caves.

Fixed Aids

Report a defective anchor

More information about CNCC resin anchors



54.3154876885633, -2.02148616036064


Please note that locations are correct to the best of our knowledge however are often taken from old books so they may not be absolutely accurate and are shown simply as a guide.

Entrance Photos

Thackthwaite Beck CavesThackthwaite Beck Caves
Copyright 2024 Council for the Northern Caving Community.