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Gaping Gill Winch
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- N/A -
(Get Down) Shep Pot
AKA Hole
Allt a’Chalda Mor Stream Cave
Allt nan Uamh Stream Cave
Alum Pot
Ammerdale Pot
Angerholme Cave and Pots
Antler Hole
Aquaflash Pot
Aquamole Pot
Attermire Area
Aygill Caverns
Ayleburn Caves
Ayleburn Mine Cave
Ayleburn Pot
Bar Pot
Barbon Pot
Bargh's Cave & Pot
Batty Cave
Bax Pot
Beck Head Stream Cave
Big Meanie
Birks Fell Cave
Birks Wood Cave
Birkwith Cave
Bishopdale Gavel Pots
Black Keld
Black Moss Pot
Black Reef Cave
Black Sheep Sink
Black Shiver Pot
Blayshaw Gill Pots
Blea Gill Cave
Blishmire House Caves
Bogg Hall Rising and Cave
Boggarts Roaring Holes
Boiling Cauldron Rising
Bolt Hole
Boreham Cave
Borrins Moor Cave
Boundary Pot
Bouther Gill Cave
Bown Scar Cave
Boxhead Pot
Bracken Cave
Brackenbottom Pot
Braithwaite Wife Hole
Broadfield Caves
Broken Finger Pot
Browgill Cave
Brown Hill Pot
Brunskill Pot
Bruntscar Cave
Bucket on the Head
Bull Pot
Bull Pot of the Witches
Bumbling Hole
Bye George Pot
Calf Holes
Canal Cave (and others nearby)
Canal Cavern
Car Pot
Caves of How Stean Gorge
Caves of the River Dee
Caves of Warton Crag Area
Chapman's Rising
Cherry Tree Hole
Chert Cave
Christmas Pot
Church Pot
Clapham Bottoms Pot
Cleaves Cove
Cliff Force Cave
Cnoc nan Uamh
Coal Hole
Compass Pot
Congress Cave
Coppice Cave
Coppy Gill Caves
Corkys Pot
Coronation Cave
Coronation Pot
Cote Gill Pot
County Pot
Cove Hole
Cow Close Area
Cow Garth Cave
Cow Pot
Cow's Tongue Cave
Cowskull Pot
Crackpot Cave
Craftsman's Pot
Crag Foot Mine
Crescent Pot
Cross Pot
Crystal Beck Pot
Crystal Cave
Curtain Pot
Dale Barn Cave
Dale Head Pot
Darnbrook Pot
Dawson Close & Lockey Gill Areas
Daylight Hole
Dead Dobbin Pot
Death's Head Hole
Devis Hole Mine Caves
Diccan Pot
Dick Close Pots
Dinkling Green Mine Cave
Disappointment Pot
Dismal Hill Cave
Diversion Cave
Dog Hole
Dog Holes
Douk Gill Cave
Dove Caves
Dove Cove Sink
Dover Gill Caves
Dow Cave
Dowkabottom Cave
Dowlass Moss Area
Draught Caledonian
Dry Gill Cave
Dub Cote Cave
Earl Pot
East Gill & Swinnergill
Echo Pot
Eglins Hole
Elbolton Cave
Election Hole
Eller Beck Head Cave
Ellerbeck Area
Ellerbeck Hole
Elpha Green Caves
Elphin Hole
Excalibur Pot
Excellent Pot
F'ing Hopeless Pot
Faggergill Caves
Fair Bottom Caves
Fairy Holes
Fairy Holes
Falcon Pot
Fault Pot
Fawcett Moor Cave
Fell Close South Cave
Fenwick Pot
Five Ways Pot
Flood Cavern
Flood Entrance (original)
Flood Entrance (Wades)
Fornah Gill Caverns
Foss Gill Cave
Foss Gill Pot
Fossdale Beck Caves
Fossil Pot
Frog Pot
Gale Garth Pot
Gaping Gill (Main Hang)
Gastack Beck Cave
Gatekirk Caves
Gavel Pot
Gaze Gill Cave
Gemini Caves
Giggel Rav Pot
Gillgarth Cave
Gingling Hole
Gingling Sink
Glenbain Hole
Gods Bridge Cave
Goyden Pot
Grabbers Caves
Grange Rigg Pot
Great Douk Cave
Great Douk Pot
Great Expectations
Great Knoutberry Hill Caves and Pots
Green Rigg Pot
Greensett Cave
Greenwood Pot
Grey Wife Hole
Growling Hole
Gunnerside Gill & Punchard Gill
Guscott Pot
Hagg Beck Cave
Hagg Beck Sink
Hagg Gill Pot
Hagg Pot
Hallam Moss Cave
Hammer Pot
Hanging Boulder Pot
Hangman's Hole
Hard Level Gill Cave
Hardrawkin Pot
Hartleycleugh Quarry Cave
Haws Gill Area
Haytime Hole
Hazel Grove Cave
Heaning Wood Bone Cave
Hell Hole
Hell Hole
Henning Valley Cave
Hensler's Pot
Heron Pot
High Gill Lower Cave
High Gill Upper Cave
High Hull Cave
High Hull Pot
Hole In The Floor
Holme Hill Cave
How Stean Area
Hudgill Burn Mine Cavern
Hugh's Moss Cave
Hull Pot
Humble Pot
Hunt Pot
Hurnel Moss Pot
Hurnel Ridge Sink
Hurtle Pot
Ibbeth Peril
Illusion Pot
Ingleborough Cave
Innominate Hole
Ireby Fell Cavern
It’s a Cracker
Ivy Pot
Jacks Cave
Jacob's Well
Jean Pot
Jeanie Barrie’s Cave
Jenga Pot
Jib Tunnel (Dihedral)
Jingle Pot
Jingling Pot
Jingling Sike Cave
Jockey Hole
Joint Hole
Juniper Gulf
Kail Pot
Katnot Cave
Keay Hole
Keld Bank Caves & Sink
Keld Beck Cave
Keld Head
Keldheads Cave
King Pot
Kirk Bank Cave
Kirk Gill Pot
Kirk Pot
Kisdon Cave
Kisdon Pots
Knacker Trapper Hole
Kneeprint Cave
Knock Fell Caverns
Lady Blue's Underwater Fantasy
Lancaster Hole
Landlord Pot
Langcliffe Pot
Langstroth Cave
Langstroth Pot
Large Pot
Leighton Moss Mine
Limley Pot
Link Pot
Little Hull Pot
Little Pot
Lizard Pot
Long Churn Caves
Long Drop Cave
Long Kin East Pot and Cave
Long Kin West
Lost Johns' Cave
Lost Pot
Lovergill Caves
Low Douk Cave
Low Eglins Hole
Low Greenrigg Pots
Low Hall Cave
Lower Traligill Cave
Lunehead Mine Caverns
Magnetometer Pot
Manchester Hole
Marble Pot
Marble Sink
Marble Steps Pot
Mayday Hole
Meregill Hole
Meregill Skit
Meridian Pot
Middle Scar Cave
Middle Washfold Cave
Midge Hole
Mill Beck Sink Cave
Minor caves west of Darnbrook Farm
Moking Hurth & Pot
Mongo Gill Hole
Mossdale Caverns
Mustard Pot
Needlehouse Gill Cave
Nettle Pot
New Goyden Pot
New Pasture Cave
New Rift Pot
New Year Pot
Newby Moss Cave
Newby Moss Pot
Nick Pot
Nidd Heads resurgences
Nippikin Pot
North by North End Pot
North End Pot
North Rainscar Hole
Notts 2 (Committee Pot)
Notts Pot
OBJ Hole
Oddmire Pot
Old Cote Moor Pot
Old Ing
Other caves and pots on the West side of Ease Gill Beck
Other Holes on Rainscar Land
Other Minor Caves in Gaping Gill Area
Other Minor Caves on Leck Fell
Other Minor Caves on Newby Moss
Other Minor Caves on The Allotment
Other North York Moors caves
Out Sleets Beck Pot
Owl Finger Hole
Pasture Gill Pot
Pay Sank
Peg Leg Pot
Penyghent Long Churn
Penyghent Pot
Perilous Pot
Perspicacity Pot
Peterson Pot
Pikedaw Calamine Caverns
Pillar Holes
Pippikin Pot
Poll Breugair
Poll Seomar
Pool Sink
Popple Cave
Pot Black
Potts Beck Pot
Potts Beck Sinks
Potts Moor Cave
Poverty Gill Cave
Preacher's Cave
Providence Pot
Psilomelane Pot
Pylon Pot
Quaking Pot
Raisgill Wood Pot and Cave
Rana Hole
Rat Hole
Rawthey Cave
Red Moss Pot
Redmire Pot
Remembrance Pot
Ribblehead Cave
Rift Entrance
Rift Pot
Roaring Hole
Robin's Dub Cave
Robinsons' Pot
Roger Kirk Cave
Rosebay Pot
Roudsea Wood Caves
Rough Pot
Rowantree Cave
Rowten Cave
Rowten Pot
Rumbling Beck Cave
Rumbling Hole
Runscar Caves
Ryedale Windypits
Scanty Lardos Pot
Scar Close Cave (area)
Scar Top Cave
Scoska Cave
Scrafton Pot
Sell Gill Holes
Shatter Pot
Short Drop Cave
Short Gill Cave and Pot
Shrapnel Pot
Shrinking Pot
Shuttleworth Pot
Silverband Pots
Simpson's Pot
Skirwith Cave
Skythornes Cave
Slanting Cave
Slasher Hole
Sleet Cave
Sleets Gill Cave
Small Mammal Pot
Smeltmill Beck Cave
Smokey Hole
Smoo Cave
Snatcher Pot
Snool's Hole
Snorkel Cave
Southerscales Pot
Spectacle Pot
Spittle Croft Cave
St George's Cave
Stake Moss Pot
Starting Handle Hole
Steps Pot
Stile Pot
Stockdale Area
Stonelands Cave
Strangle Pot
Strans Gill Pot
Strawberry Pot
Stream Passage Pot
Stubbing Rigg Cave
Stump Cross Caverns
Sulber Pot
Summit Cave
Sunset Hole
Swaleside Cave
Swan Dike Pot
Sweetwater Hole
Swinner Gill Kirk
Swinsto Hole
Sylvester Pot
Tatham Wife Hole
Thackthwaite Beck Caves
The Borehole
The Mistral
The Mohole
Thistle Cave
Thor's Rising Cave
Threaplands Cave
Top Sink
Toss Pot
Trapdoor Pot
Tree Hole
Trollers Gill
Tub Hole
Turbary Pot
Tutman's Hole
Tutup Area Mines
Twang Cave
Uamh an Claonaite
Uamh an Tartair
Uamh an Tobair Dhuibh
Uamh a’Chromaichag
Uamh Coire Sheileach
Uamh na Doineann
Uamh na Duilean Briste
Uamh nan Claig-ionn
Uamh Poll Eoghainn
Ullet Gill Cave
Upper Hackergill Cave
Upper Hesleden Caves
Valentines Shaft
Valley Entrance
Valley Exit
Vein Pot
Vesper Pot
Voldemort Hole
Vole Hole
Washfold Pot
Weathercote Cave
Wee Pot
West Hagg Pot
Whirley Gill Pot
White Scar Cave
Whitewell Cave
Whitewell Pot
Whitewell Resurgence
Whitmore Pot
Whittle Hole
Windegg Mine Caverns
Winshaw Gill Pot
Witches Cave
Wizard's Chasm
Wretched Rabbit
Yew Cogar Cave
Yew Cogar Rising Cave
Yockenthwaite Cave
Yockenthwaite Pot
Yordas Cave
Yordas Pot
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