(Casterton Fell)
Warning issued 3 months ago:
Take notice of our 29th October 2024 news article (https://cncc.org.uk/article/stake-pot-ease-gill-loose-boulders-20241029) regarding loose blocks on the eastern slope of Stake Pot, next to the in-situ rope. It is strongly recommended to identify these blocks on arrival at Stake Pot and take appropriate actions to mitigate the risk (e.g. avoid contact with or being below the blocks, ensure a good belay on this slope).
(Casterton Fell)
Warning issued 3 months ago:
Take notice of our 29th October 2024 news article (https://cncc.org.uk/article/stake-pot-ease-gill-loose-boulders-20241029) regarding loose blocks on the eastern slope of Stake Pot, next to the in-situ rope. It is strongly recommended to identify these blocks on arrival at Stake Pot and take appropriate actions to mitigate the risk (e.g. avoid contact with or being below the blocks, ensure a good belay on this slope).
(Alum Pot)
Warning issued 10 months ago:
We have received a report (29th March 2024) that there has been a lot of boulder movement on the climb up from the riverbed at the Dr Bannisters entrance to Upper Long Churn. Boulders are currently loose. We are not totally clear exactly where this is, but it sounds like the boulders leading down from the surface and into the entrance. We recommend avoiding this entrance to Upper Long Churn for the immediate few weeks while things settle, and after this initial settling period, paying close attention to the situation (particularly after any flooding) and taking extreme care scrambing up/down between the surface and the entrance, and when passing underneath the boulders just inside the entrance. Please report any observations so we can update our warning.
(Casterton Fell)
Warning issued 1 year ago:
We received warning (11th Feb 2024) of movement in Battle of Britain Chamber in County Pot. The mud slope at the top of the chamber, and the boulders it holds (just in front of the hole leading up towards Splash Chamber) shifted, loosening several boulders. In a second report on 28th April 2024, loose rocks were reported above the crawl between Battle of Britain Chamber and Showerbath Passage. Overall, there seems to have been widespread movement in this already fractured area and additional care an awareness is needed when transiting all routes in and around this chamber (including the Upper Trident route to Eureka Junction and the Manchester Bypass) to watch out for loose rock.
(Fountains Fell)
Warning issued 1 year ago:
Warning received late October 2023 of substantial collapse of rocks on the second pitch (originating from behind the scaffolding and the curtain that hangs down this pitch, a short distance inside the entrance). Extreme care is required on future visits to avoid dislodging or distubing anything behind the curtain. Do not loiter at the bottom as others are ascending or descending. Be observant for anything that may be about to fall, and inspect this pitch closely before and during your descent.
(Penyghent Gill)
Warning issued 1 year ago:
Reports received that the scaffolding at the entrance of Swan Dike Pot is in poor condition and may be collapsing. Extreme care is needed and further reports to CNCC would be appreciated. Secondly, at the time of writing (Sept 2023) there is a dead sheep inside the entrance, and it may be several months or more before entering the cave becomes stomachable again.
Warning issued 1 year ago:
April 2023: Report received of collapse in the entrance passage of Frog Pot before Toad U So Pitch. A large block has dropped into the passage with smaller debris blocking the way on. The left side of this stretch of passage is not solid rock, being formed in debris from post-glacial landslide, visible on the surface. Extreme care needed. We assume the blockage is not currently passable.
(Leck Fell)
Warning issued 1 year ago:
April 2023: The entrance to Coal Hole has slumped in. Remedial work has managed to clear enough spoil to allow cautious access, however, further slumping may happen. We recommend against using this entrance for now, and are keen to hear from volunteers interested in helping clear this out. Please see our news article for more details: https://cncc.org.uk/article/coal-hole-collapse-20230423
(White Scar)
Warning issued 1 year ago:
April 2023: We have received warning of a significant movement of some boulders in the streamway beyond the duck in Tatham Wife Hole. We recommend extra vigilance for any signs of recent movement, particularly if climbing on or through any boulders in this area. We understand that the loose bits may not be apparent from above when climbing down. Please report any observations.
(Alum Pot)
Warning issued 1 year ago:
13-May-2024: There has been a small rockfall from just above the traverse path that leads to the top of The Bridge in Alum Pot. The area affected is between the 1st and 2nd anchor of the traverse. This rockfall has impacted and compromised the solidity of the path along the edge of the shaft, leaving it in a crumbled state in parts. Users of the traverse path need to exercise extreme caution, both for any further rockfall, and also for the high likelihood of knocking stones down the open pot onto the route below. Keeping on the inside of the traverse line, whilst a bit more inconvenient, would help mitigate any potential problems. Anyone venturing deeper into Alum Pot needs to exercise caution regarding the potential of rocks from above. Note, that this follows a previous fall reported in February 2023, when a helmet-sized rock was dislodged from the wall of the North West route. This is a timely opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of keeping well away from the bottom of pitches while cavers are manoeuvring above. If necessary, avoid any rope free calls until you have moved completely away from the danger area. This is particularly important for surface-exposed shafts where freeze-thaw weathering over winter may have loosened rockfaces.
(The Allotment)
Warning issued 2 years ago:
8th November 2022: We have received a report of a rockfall originating from above the entrance pitch of Rift Pot on the Ingleborough Allotment. An ascending caver was showered with rocks, which appeared to originate from a slope of loose material above the anchors for the main hang of this pitch, on the opposite side of the shakehole from the route of approach. We suggest a careful inspection for any loose debris overhanging this entrance pitch, and that you take appropriate remedial action to facilitate a safe descent where possible.
Warning issued 2 years ago:
29th November 2022: Work performed in the last week to remove lots of collapsed trees from around the entrance, although some large branches remain bridged across the shaft. Take additional care to check the stability of anything across or around the shaft, and be aware that with most of the trees around the entrance gone, locating a suitable safe belay for the entrance pitch may requrie some creativity and additional tackle.
(Alum Pot)
Warning issued 2 years ago:
Ash Dieback has badly affected some of the trees overhanging Alum Pot, leaving them in a critical condition (i.e. dead). They are likely to shed branches and potentially even be uprooted. Care should be taken descending particularly in times of gusty winds, and of course do not use them for rigging.
(Casterton Fell)
Warning issued 2 years ago:
Reported 21st June 2022: The climb down at the start of the Aardvark Country route (after the entrance pitch) has been reported to be in a poor condition, with rocks breaking through original wood shoring and potentially in a position to fall on ascending or descending cavers. Extreme care should be taken here. This does not affect the more traditional route shown on the rigging topo (which does not descend this climb).
(Leck Fell)
Warning issued 7 years ago:
Entrance pipe reported (October 2017) to be in hazardous state. It is advisable not to descend. Discussions are currently ongoing about a possible project to restore and/or stabilise the entrance.