1 September 2022

F'ing Hopeless Pot anchored

We are delighted to confirm that anchor installation was successful on 20th August in F’ing Hopeless Pot; Thank you to Tim Allen for taking our installers down and showing them around (the navigation was not straightforward). The three ‘down’ pitches, and the optional ‘up’ pitch to Eggshell Chamber/Levelling Up have been fitted with resin bonded IC anchors.

A rigging topo can be found on our website (CLICK HERE)

We have also written, with the agreement and help of the explorers, a navigational description which is also available on our website.

Needless to say that F’ing Hopeless Pot is a very well decorated cave. Most of the formations are beyond the pitches (and quite a lot of wet and grotty crawling).

F’ing Hopeless is a trip for experienced and careful cavers only. In particular, Eggshell Chamber, Speechless Grotto and beyond contain very vulnerable formations. It is essential that cavers visiting these areas do so with extreme care; move slowly with awareness of your surroundings. Avoid taking unnecessary kit to these areas to minimise risks. Go only as a small and experienced team and one at a time near formations. Work together to ensure that your visit has minimum impact.

This is our chance to both enjoy this fine discovery, but to also set an example of conservation etiquette and good practice.

The cave has been added to the CNCC’s online booking system, which we encourage use of; partly out of courtesy to the landowner and partly to avoid congestion in the cave due to multiple groups visiting on the same day. As per most caves on Leck Fell (except Notts II), only one booking per day can be made. Passing another group, particularly lower down the cave, could be damaging.

If you are just looking for a clean and simple day out, there are definitely far better options on Leck Fell. F’ing Hopeless is a trip for those who don't mind some grotty and muddy crawling to see some great formations, and who fully understand the care needed to ensure their preservation.

For those of you visiting, we wish you an excellent trip.

Photo: F'ing Hopeless during the digging work, courtesy of Frank Pearson. For more excellent photos of this cave by Frank, Mark Burkey, and others, and the full story of the digging, see Descent 287, and also THIS THREAD on UKCaving.


© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.