5 January 2023

AGM 2023 Notification

CNCC AGM: Saturday 11th March 2023, 10am, Clapham Village Hall

Please note the change from our usual venue at Hellifield.

Remote attendance via Zoom will be available, email our secretary (secretary@cncc.org.uk) for access details. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee success of online participation so we strongly recommend in-person attendance if possible.

All CNCC full member clubs are encouraged to attend, participate and vote on the various matters. The meeting will include updates from all Officers as well as scheduled agenda items and the election of the Officers and CNCC Committee for the next year. It's been a rather eventful year, with plenty to keep CNCC busy, from conservation issues, access problems particularly around High Birkwith, a continued program of excellent training workshops, anchor projects and initiatives, and numerous actions to promote caving in our region. The meeting provides a great chance to reflect and discuss these, and consider the next year.

You can see if your club is a full member HERE.

To vote you will need authorisation from an Officer of your club. The simplest way to do this is for an Officer of your club to email our secretary (address above) to name your voting representative. Alternatively your representative can bring an authorisation letter on the day of the meeting.

If your club is not a full member, but you would like to become one OR if you are already a full member and would like to be part of the CNCC Committee, click HERE.

Applications for Committee and Officer positions (which includes any of our incumbents who are wishing to stand again), applications for full membership, and all agenda items must be submitted to our Secretary (secretary@cncc.org.uk) no later than Saturday 14th January 2023.

In particular, we are aware that our Secretary is standing down and we welcome applications.

The agenda will be published on our website by 31st January and Officer reports will be made available in the week before the meeting.

This is an open meeting and although voting is restricted to our member clubs, anyone can attend and we welcome input. Come say hello and tell us what you think or just to see what goes on behind the scenes of northern caving.

© 2025 Council for the Northern Caving Community.